Tool Evidence |
How Informal Carers Support Video Consulting in Physiotherapy, Heart Failure, and Cancer: Qualitative Study Using Linguistic Ethnography (EN)
by Seuren, L.M., & Shaw, S.
May 31, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of video consultations completed in the health care system in the UK. The article provides several methods that may aid in the involvement of family members and other carers during telerehabilitation services.
Scope, Characteristics, Behavior Change Techniques, and Quality of Conversational Agents for Mental Health and Well-Being: Systematic Assessment of Apps (EN)
by Lin, A., Martinengo, L., et al.
January 24, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of 18 current Apps being used in mental health practice. The review focuses on what mental health issues were targeted, as well as how well used the apps were by professionals.
“Rapid tele-psychotherapy” with single-session music therapy in the metaverse: An alternative solution for mental health services in the future (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Research commentary.
TARGET POPULATION: Written to researchers and clinicians in psychotherapy.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a short commentary with references on the development of ‘rapid tele-psychotherapy’ and how it may fit into the metaverse.
A rapid review protocol of physiotherapy and occupational therapy telerehabilitation to inform ethical and equity concerns (EN)
by Veras, M., Sigouin, J., ... & Kairy, D.
July 21, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed to inform clinicians, researchers, and educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a protocol for a rapid review of the literature with a focus on analysing the ethical dimensions and fairness concerns that accompany telerehabilitation practice.
A six-week physical therapy exercise program delivered via home-based telerehabilitation is comparable to in-person programs for patients with burn injuries (EN)
by Plaza, A., Paratz, J. & Cottrell, M.
February 10, 2023
Home-based telerehabilitation (HBT) is a safe, effective option to deliver exercise programs for patients with burn injuries ? 25% total body surface area with comparable clinical outcomes to in-person programmes.
Acceptability of a Multimodal Telerehabilitation Intervention for Children Ages 3–8 Years with Motor Difficulties: Results of a Qualitative Study (EN)
by Dostie, R., Gaboury, I., Trottier, N., Hurtubise, K., & Camden, C.
July 04, 2023
All participants described evolving acceptability associated with their interactions with the web platform. The opportunities generated, suitability in relation to families’ values and perceived effects positively impacted acceptability. The understanding and consistency of intervention delivery, the child’s level of involvement, the associated parental burden of the intervention and the therapeutic alliances created also affected acceptability. Our study findings support the acceptability of a telerehabilitation intervention for families of children with motor difficulties. Telerehabilitation seems to be more acceptable to families with children without suspected or confirmed diagnoses.
Acceptability of a Text Message?Based Mobile Health Intervention to Promote Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation Enrollees: A Qualitative Substudy of Participant Perspectives (EN)
by Atluri, N., Mishra, S.R., Anderson, T. et al.
January 16, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Activity tracker users in rehabilitation.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides evidence in support of the acceptability of users to the use of a text-messaged base mHealth system using activity trackers. Qualitative components.
Addressing disparities in speech-language pathology and laryngology services with telehealth (EN)
by Rameau, A., Cox, S.R., Sussman, S.H., & Odigie, E.
August 08, 2023
Research has demonstrated that disparities in access and utilization of speech-language pathology and laryngology services are the result of racial and ethnic differences, geographic factors, sex, gender, educational background, income level and insurance status. For example, persons from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds have been found to be less likely to attend or adhere to voice rehabilitation, and they are more likely to delay health care due to language barriers, longer wait times, a lack of transportation and difficulties contacting their physician. The purpose of this paper is to summarize existing research on telehealth, discuss how telehealth offers the potential to eliminate some disparities in the access and utilization of voice care, review its limitations, and encourage continued research in this area. A clinical perspective from a large volume laryngology clinic in a major city in northeastern United States highlights the use of telehealth in the provision of voice care by a laryngologist and speech-language pathologist during and after the COVID19 pandemic.
Advancing telemedicine in cardiology: A comprehensive review of evolving practices and outcomes in a postpandemic context (EN)
by Huerne, K., & Eisenberg, M.J.
February 12, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper, comprehensive review.
TARGET POPULATION: Researchers and clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of the current state of telemedicine with regards to cardiovascular medicine.
An Opportunity for Management of Fatigue, Physical Condition, and Quality of Life Through Asynchronous Telerehabilitation in Patients After Acute Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study (EN)
by Carpallo-Porcar, B., Calvo, S., et al.
May 04, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides evidence for the feasibility for treating COVID-19 related fatigue with asynchronous telerehabilitation.
Audiophonologopedic Telerehabilitation: Advantages and Disadvantages from User Perspectives (EN)
by Lauriello, M., Angelone, A.M. et al.
August 31, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed to explore user perspectives on telerehabilitation, comparing ti to tradional methods and identifying criteria for determining its suitability for different patients and clinical conditions.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: According to the authors, the study reveals a favourable perception of telerehabilitation as a therapy approach to be regarded as a supplement or temporary option to the irreplaceable face-to-face one.
Can Post Stroke Walking Improve With Telerehabilitation? A Systematic Review in Adults With Stroke (EN)
by Shravni Deshmukh & Sangeetha Madhavan
December 01, 2022
These findings provide evidence supporting the use of telerehabilitation as an effective mode of therapy in providing a better continuum of care in stroke survivors and improving walking related outcomes, especially those pertaining to balance and endurance.
Changes in rehabilitation students’ clinical placement and clinical competence at graduation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study (EN)
by Motoya, I., Tanabe, S. et al.
June 07, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical supervisors and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of rehabilitation student placements during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect they had on professional competencies.
Clinician perspectives on providing telepsychiatry services to young adults with first-episode psychosis during COVID-19 (EN)
by Lai, S., Abdel-Baki, A., & Peredo, R.
April 14, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Telepsychiatry with first-episode psychosis.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides service providers’ perceptions on the use of telepsychiatry and changes over time.
Considerations for paediatric student-led telepractice in speech-language therapy: A pilot observational study from South Africa (EN)
by Watermeyer, J., Nattrass, R., Beukes, J., et al.
September 29, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Paediatric speech-language therapy.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Investigation of the overarching considerations for student-led telepractice in paediatric speech-language therapy.
Costs and effects of telerehabilitation in neurological and cardiological diseases: A systematic review (EN)
by Rocio del Pino, et al.
November 29, 2022
Telerehabilitation seems to be as clinical and cost-effective as traditional rehabilitation, even if, generally, telerehabilitation is less costly. More research is needed to evaluate health-related quality of life and cost-effectiveness in other neurological diseases.
Effectiveness of a Telerehabilitation Evidence-based Tablet App for Rehabilitation in Traumatic Bone and Soft-Tissue Injuries of the Hand, Wrist and Fingers (EN)
by Suero-Pineda, A. et al.
February 08, 2023
In patients with bone and soft tissue injuries of the wrist, hand and/or fingers, prescribing feedback-guided exercises performed on a tablet touchscreen was more effective for improving patients´ functional ability and reduces number of patients referred to rehabilitation consultation and number of clinical appointments.
Effectiveness of an interprofessional assessment and management approach for people with chronic low back disorders delivered via virtual care: A randomized controlled trial pilot intervention (EN)
by Lovo, S., Imeah, B., et al.
June 05, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides evidence of the effectiveness for telerehabilitation interventions in chronic low back pain treatment.
Effectiveness of exercises by telerehabilitation on pain, physical function and quality of life in people with physical disabilities: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials with GRADE recommendations (EN)
by Jane Fonseca Dias, et al.
October 15, 2020
This systematic review with meta-analysis was developed to support decision-making related to public policies and health programmes. Policies based on scientific evidence have ensured that decisions are based on the best available scientific evidence. This systematic review indicates that exercise by telerehabilitation has at least similar effects on pain, physical function and quality of life when compared with other interventions. However, efficacy is still limited by the scarcity of trials and low certainty of the current evidence.
Effects of a physical activity and endometriosis-based education program delivered by videoconference on endometriosis symptoms: the CRESCENDO program (inCRease physical Exercise and Sport to Combat ENDOmetriosis) protocol study (EN)
by Escriva-Boulley, G., Philip, C.A., Warembourg, S. et al.
April 25, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Treatment Protocol.
TARGET POPULATION: Program developed for people suffering from endometriosis.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: A clinical trial protocol investigating a videoconference-based program aimed at increasing physical exercise in those with endometriosis.
Implementing Team-Based Post-Stroke Telerehabilitation: A Case Example (EN)
by Melissa Anderson, et al.
June 03, 2022
This case example reports the development, implementation, and progression of a post-acute treatment program delivered via telerehabilitation to a woman with left hemorrhagic stroke.
Improving Functional Communication Outcomes in Post-Stroke Aphasia via Telepractice: An Alternative Service Delivery Model for Underserved Populations (EN)
by Carr, P., et al.
December 13, 2022
The purpose of this study was to determine if telepractice is an effective and feasible service delivery model for persons with aphasia. Result of a 4 week remote treatment were favourable and participants were highly satisfied with telepractice as a service delivery model.
Le déploiement des compétences en téléréadaptation en contexte de pandémie de COVID-19 : le vécu des ergothérapeutes du Québec (FR)
by Bonin, N., Racette, E., et al.
December 19, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of experiences of occupational therapists practicing in Quebec Canada using telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Moving together - benefits of an online dance program on physical and mental health for older women: an exploratory mixed-method study (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Research article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for researchers and clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides support for the implementation of an online dance program on the self-reported wellbeing on older women.
No transport? No worries! Cardiac telerehabilitation is a feasible and effective alternative to centre-based programs (EN)
by Hwang, Gane & Morris
February 18, 2023
This review aims to provide a synopsis of the current evidence on home-based cardiac rehabilitation with a focus on telerehabilitation and practical considerations.
Optimizing Telehealth Pain Care after COVID-19 (EN)
by Tauben, D.J., Langford, D.J., et. al.
August 20, 2020
TYPE OF TOOL: Topical Review.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of the telehealth milieu shortly after the start of the pandemic.
Post-stroke aphasia at the time of COVID-19 pandemic: a telerehabilitation perspective (EN)
by Cassarino, L., et. al.
January 28, 2022
We report on our remote speech therapy experience in post-stroke aphasia. The aim was to test the feasibility and utility of telerehabilitation to support future randomized controlled trials. Concluding, we support it as a feasible approach offering patients and their families the opportunity to continue the speech and language rehabilitation pathway, even at the time of pandemic.
Smartphone applications are used for self-management, telerehabilitation, evaluation and data collection in low back pain healthcare: a scoping review (EN)
by Dobija, L., Lechauve, J.B., et. al.
September 06, 2022
TYPE OF TOOL: Scoping review.
TARGET POPULATION: Lower back pain.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Scoping review of research using smartphone applications to study lower back pain.
Technologies for monitoring activities of daily living in older adults: a systematic review (EN)
by Gadey, N., Pataunia, P., et al.
March 23, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for researchers and clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a systematic review on the extent and diversity of technologies that monitor daily activities in older adults.
Telemedicine for cognitive impairment: a telephone survey of patients’ experiences with neurological video consultation. (EN)
by Ruggiero, F., Zirone, E., Molisso, M.T. et al.
June 27, 2023
This study aimed to evaluate the experience with telemedicine in patients with cognitive impairments and their caregivers. Conclusions Telemedicine is well received by patients and their caregivers. However, successful delivery incorporates support from staff and care partners to navigate technologies. The exclusion of older adults with cognitive impairment in developing telemedicine systems may further exacerbate access to care in this population. Adapting technologies to the needs of patients and their caregivers is critical for the advancement of accessible dementia care through telemedicine.
Telerehab at Home: Mobile Tablet Technology for Patients With Poststroke Communication Deficits—A Pilot Feasibility Randomized Control Trial (EN)
by Karen H. Mallet, et al.
January 12, 2023
Speech-language therapy (SLT) using telerehabilitation via mobile technology is feasible in the very early stages of acute stroke recovery. It is potentially an effective means of bridging the gap between discharge from the acute care setting to the start of outpatient SLT services. Our study supported proceeding to a clinical trial to assess efficacy of the intervention.
Telerehabilitation as a Therapeutic Exercise Tool versus Face-to-Face Physiotherapy: A Systematic Review (EN)
by Muñoz-Tomás, M.T.; Burillo-Lafuente, M.; Vicente-Parra, A.; Sanz-Rubio, M.C.; Suarez-Serrano, C.; Marcén-Román, Y.; Franco-Sierra, M.Á.
February 28, 2023
Conclusion: this review generally concludes that intervention through telerehabilitation programs is as feasible and efficient as conventional physiotherapy in terms of functionality level and quality of life. In addition, telerehabilitation shows high levels of patients’ satisfaction and adherence, being values equivalent to traditional rehabilitation.
Telerehabilitation for Children and Youth with Developmental Disabilities and Their Families: A Systematic Review (EN)
by Tatiana Orgoutsova et al.
August 01, 2022
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Researchers and clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of telerehabilitation interventions focused on improving child and parent related outcomes for children and youth with developmental disabilities. Results suggest telerehabilitation is a promising alternative to face to face care.
Telerehabilitation for people with low vision (EN)
by Bittner, A., Yoshinaga, P., Rittiphairoj, T. & Li, T.
January 13, 2023
The included trial found similar efficacy between telerehabilitation with a therapist and an active control intervention of self-guided training in mostly younger to middle-aged adults with low vision who received a new wearable electronic aid.
Telerehabilitation Implementation: Perspectives from Physiotherapists Working in Complex Care (EN)
by O'Neil, Van Ierssel, King & Sveistrup
January 06, 2023
This mixed-method study aimed to identify the barriers and new facilitators of telerehabilitation clinical implementation. Participants positively experienced the quick use of telerehabilitation from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, but some important barriers remain.
Telerehabilitation improves physical function and reduces dyspnoea in people with COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 conditions: a systematic review (EN)
by Aléxia Gabriela da Silva Vieira, et al.
April 14, 2022
Telerehabilitation may improve functional capacity, dyspnoea, performance and physical components of quality of life and does not substantially increase adverse events.
Telerehabilitation in Speech-Language Pathology (EN)
by Kerry J Davis & Dana Pagliuco
January 14, 2022
This chapter discusses the various service delivery models to consider when providing speech, language, and swallowing assessment or treatment via telehealth. Review of the current literature supports the use of teletherapy to evaluate and treat patients with a variety of diagnoses.
Telerehabilitation Initiated Early in Post-Stroke Recovery: A Feasibility Study (EN)
by Edwards D, Kumar S, Brinkman L, et al.
March 06, 2023
To examine the feasibility, safety, and potential efficacy of an established telerehabilitation (TR) program after stroke initiated during admission to an inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) and completed in the patient’s home. These results support feasibility, safety, and potential efficacy of providing intense TR therapy early after stroke.
Telerehabilitation service impact on physical function and adherence compared to face-to-face rehabilitation in patients with stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (EN)
by Sharareh Sharififar, Hanieh Ghasemi, Carolyn Geis, Hassan Azari, Lauren Adkins, Bailey Speight, Heather K. Vincent
May 04, 2023
The purposes of this systematic review and meta-analysis were to: 1) appraise the available evidence of telerehabilitation program effects on functional outcomes, adherence and patient satisfaction compared to face-to-face programs after stroke, and 2) provide direction for future outcome measure selection and development for clinical research purposes.
The state of the art in telerehabilitation for musculoskeletal conditions (EN)
by Marina P. Baroni, Maria Fernanda A. Jacob, Wesley R. Rios, Junior V. Fandim, Lívia G. Fernandes, Pedro I. Chaves, Iuri Fioratti & Bruno T. Saragiotto
January 04, 2023
This masterclass aims to provide an overview of telerehabilitation for musculoskeletal conditions, synthesizing the different terminologies used to describe telehealth and telerehabilitation, its effectiveness and how to use it in clinical practice, barriers and facilitators for the implementation in health services, and discuss the need of a curriculum education for the near future.
Validity of mHealth devices for counting steps in individuals with Parkinson's disease (EN)
by de Carvalho Lana, R., De Paula, A.R., Silva, A.F., Costa, P.H., & Polese, J.C.
October 01, 2021
GoogleFit, STEPZ, Fitbit Inc.®, Pacer, and Health are valid instruments to measure the number of steps over a given period of time with moderate to high correlation with the criterion-standard in individuals with PD. This result shows that technology such as smartphone applications and activity monitor can be used to assess the number of steps in individuals with PD, and allows the possibility of using this technology for assessment and intervention purposes.
Valuable Lessons Learnt From a Global Tele-Rehabilitation Partnership Program During COVID-19 (EN)
by Coutinho, F., Storr, C. et al.
November 01, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of stakeholder experiences while utilizing a novel global tele-rehabilitation program between several Canadian Universities and a program in rural India.
Virtual Dysphagia Evaluation: Practical Guidelines for Dysphagia Management in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (EN)
by Soldatova, L., Williams, C., et al.
May 26, 2020
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinician.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of the assessment of dysphagia remotely in the context of the pandemic, where the use of clinically standard tools such as endoscopic evaluation was not available.
Work Well Systems–Functional Capacity Evaluation (WWS-FCE) via Videoconference (EN)
by Work Well Systems
TYPE OF TOOL: Functional Capacity Evaluation.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: A standardized tool assessing work-related skills adapted and validated for videoconference.