Tool Evidence |
A Quality Review of Smartphone Applications for the Management of Pain (EN)
by Pamela Portelli and Clare Eldred
April 19, 2016
This review aims to assess the quality of smartphone apps that claim to provide information and treatment for pain conditions. It assesses the degree to which apps adhere to evidence-based practices in psychological research for pain management and which stand the best chance of being effective for consumers.
Chronic Pain Treatment and Digital Health Era-An Opinion (EN)
by V. Rejula, J. Anitha, R. V. Belfin, and J. Dinesh Peter
December 10, 2021
The summary of chronic pain treatment and digital patient engagement methods has been given in the article. The benefits of digital health approaches during the COVID 19 pandemic and post-pandemic era are also presented.
DREAM Virtual Reality for Children (EN)
by Paperplane Therapeutics
DREAM is a therapeutic virtual reality game for children between 5 and 17 years old. It aims to better manage pain and anxiety during potentially painful medical procedures. DREAM is currently used in many CISSS and CIUSSS as part of the covid vaccination campaign for 5-11 year olds.
Effectiveness of an interprofessional assessment and management approach for people with chronic low back disorders delivered via virtual care: A randomized controlled trial pilot intervention (EN)
by Lovo, S., Imeah, B., et al.
June 05, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides evidence of the effectiveness for telerehabilitation interventions in chronic low back pain treatment.
Effects of a physical activity and endometriosis-based education program delivered by videoconference on endometriosis symptoms: the CRESCENDO program (inCRease physical Exercise and Sport to Combat ENDOmetriosis) protocol study (EN)
by Escriva-Boulley, G., Philip, C.A., Warembourg, S. et al.
April 25, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Treatment Protocol.
TARGET POPULATION: Program developed for people suffering from endometriosis.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: A clinical trial protocol investigating a videoconference-based program aimed at increasing physical exercise in those with endometriosis.
Evaluation of Self-Management Support Functions in Apps for People with Persistent Pain (EN)
by Hemakumar Devan; Devin Farmery; Lucy Peebles 3; and Rebecca Grainger
February 12, 2019
A systematic review of apps that were designed for people with persistent pain that provided information on pain self-management strategies. App contents and quality were evaluated and summarized.
Moving together - benefits of an online dance program on physical and mental health for older women: an exploratory mixed-method study (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Research article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for researchers and clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides support for the implementation of an online dance program on the self-reported wellbeing on older women.
Pain Tracker Self-Manager (EN)
A web-based platform to promote and track chronic pain self-management will support the dissemination of the multimodal interdisciplinary care for chronic pain that is recommended in the National Pain Strategy, and may help chronic pain care meet the goals of the Triple Aim: better patient experience, better patient outcomes, with lower costs.
Solutions for Kids in Pain (SKIP) (EN)
SKIP's mission is to improve children's pain management by mobilizing evidence-based solutions through coordination and collaboration. SKIP is working to address the gap in knowledge mobilization by bringing together researchers, patients and caregivers, health professionals, 48 different health institutions (including all the children’s hospitals in Canada!) and partners from around the world.
Telerehabilitation for musculoskeletal pain – An overview of systematic reviews (EN)
by Ludmilla Maria Souza Mattos de Araújo Vieira, Marcela Alves de Andrade, and Tatiana de Oliveira Sato
March 20, 2023
This overview of systematic reviews enables a better understanding of the characteristics of telerehabilitation programs, provides information for use in clinical practice and describes gaps in the research that need to be filled.
WEB-MAP - Web-based management of adolescent pain (EN)
Web-MAP is an Internet intervention for children and adolescents with chronic pain. It is a specialized intervention that includes separate web programs for teens and their parents. Web-MAP was designed at Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute with funding from the National Institutes of Health. Teens and their parents can learn the following information in a fun and interactive way, while in the comfort of their own home.