Tool Evidence |
CARE Protocol with Mobile App (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Protocol and mobile app.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians treating adults after a concussion.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: A continuous aerobic resistance exercise (CARE) protocol to reintroduce exercise following concussion through a supporting mobile app.
Delivering group speech maintenance therapy via telerehabilitation to people with Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study (EN)
This study demonstrated the feasibility of delivering group speech maintenance therapy via telerehabilitation, and the potential for eLoud and Proud to improve and maintain vocal loudness in people with Parkinson’s Disease.
by AISM Foundation
TYPE OF TOOL: Mobile app.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and clients (in Italy).
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a digital self-assessment system of cognitive functioning most affected by MS, such as information processing speed, verbal and visuospatial memory, and language.
Glove Rehabilitation Application for Stroke Patients (GRASP) (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Modified SaeboGlove for home VR use.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for stroke patients.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Incorporates the SaeboVR software using Kinect-based motion capture to allow virtual practice of IADLs while patient is at home. Can be used both asynchronous and synchronous with telerehabilitation.
Home Kit by Khymeia (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Home Rehabilitation Kit.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a complete kit for clients to take home, allowing therapists or researchers to connect remotely to provide therapy. Has ability to record offline activities and provide records to therapist.
Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Motion detection technology.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides clinicians and researchers the ability to measure client movements non-invasively. This technology has recently been adapted with the goal of securing elderly people by monitoring for falls.
Management Information and Decision Support Epilepsy Tool (MINDSET) (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Tablet based APP.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians working with people with epilepsy.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a tablet-based decision aid for use in an outpatient healthcare setting to assist both patients and health care providers in assessing the patient’s epilepsy self-management behaviours relating to seizures, medications, and lifestyle.
MindMotion™ GO Telerehabilitation Program (EN)
The MindMotion™ GO telerehabilitation program focuses on maximizing the recovery potential of patients after a stroke or brain injury. The program facilitates high-dose training at home through engaging activities for upper-limb, lower-limb, hand or trunk movements with a proprietary medical device and software.
MIRA is a software platform that turns physical and cognitive exercises into clinical exergames, making therapy more convenient and easier to follow. It is designed as a tool for therapists, using motion tracking sensors to engage patients in their therapy, while assessing and reporting patient compliance.
Neofect Smart Glove (EN)
Neofect Smart Glove is a high-tech rehab device that measures movements of the forearm, wrist, and digits with accelerometer and bending sensors. It includes training programs and promotes motor learning and brain reorganization to improve arm and hand function for adults rehabilitating from stroke.
Oropharyngeal dysphagia telerehabilitation in the Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19: a case report (EN)
by Shigeto Soyama, Tomoo Mano & Akira Kido
April 01, 2022
Some patients in the intensive care unit and those who are on endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation often have dysphagia. This article aimed to explore the advantages of telerehabilitation in dysphagia management during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Telerehabilitation for Communication and Swallowing Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease (EN)
by Deborah Theodoros
July 16, 2021
This review explores the telerehabilitation applications designed for the management of the communication and swallowing disorders in PD, addresses the benefits and challenges of telerehabilitation, identifies future research directions, and highlights the potential of new technologies to enhance the management of communication and swallowing disorders and quality of life for people with PD.
Telerehabilitation for Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (Tele-LSVT-Loud) (EN)
TYPE OF TOOL: Standardized treatment.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions. This version has been modified to be completed with Telerehabilitation. Requires clinician certification.
Virtual Reality Training for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation (MUVITY) (EN)
March 01, 2023
Virtual Reality Training for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation (MUVITY) is a project focused on developing non-immersive virtual reality and telerehabilitation technology to help stroke patients regain their motor skills through avatar-guided exercises and interactive games. Unlike conventional therapies, MUVITY is an interactive therapy that allows the exercises to be performed at home through a telerehabilitation platform and with the participation of physiotherapists.