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“There is No Such Thing as a Traditional Placement”: A Qualitative Study of Physiotherapy Students’ Experiences of Role-Diverse Placements (EN)
by Weate, P., Yang, C.L., et. al.
June 01, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed to inform educators and students.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an exploration of Rold Diverse Placements, including telehealth, for physiotherapy students in the UK.
A rapid review protocol of physiotherapy and occupational therapy telerehabilitation to inform ethical and equity concerns (EN)
by Veras, M., Sigouin, J., ... & Kairy, D.
July 21, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed to inform clinicians, researchers, and educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a protocol for a rapid review of the literature with a focus on analysing the ethical dimensions and fairness concerns that accompany telerehabilitation practice.
Changes in rehabilitation students’ clinical placement and clinical competence at graduation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study (EN)
by Motoya, I., Tanabe, S. et al.
June 07, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical supervisors and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of rehabilitation student placements during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect they had on professional competencies.
Clinical Site Visits: Perspectives of Clinical Instructors and Site Coordinators of Clinical Education (EN)
by Hochman, L., Silberman, N., et. al.
June 01, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical supervisors.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of different types of communication between clinical supervisors and their physiotherapy students on placement, as well as preferences and influencing factors.
Considerations for paediatric student-led telepractice in speech-language therapy: A pilot observational study from South Africa (EN)
by Watermeyer, J., Nattrass, R., Beukes, J., et al.
September 29, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Paediatric speech-language therapy.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Investigation of the overarching considerations for student-led telepractice in paediatric speech-language therapy.
Effective Use of Technology in Clinical Supervision (EN)
by Priya Martin, Saravana Kumar, Lucylynn Lizarondo
March 22, 2017
This article outlines ten evidence-informed, practical tips stemming from a review of the literature that will enable health care stakeholders to use technology effectively and efficiently while undertaking clinical supervision. By highlighting the “how to” aspect, telesupervision can be delivered in the right way, to the right health professional, at the right time
Organizational readiness and rehabilitation professionals’ views on integrating telerehabilitation into service delivery and students’ clinical training: A qualitative study (EN)
by Nizeyimana, E., Joseph, C., Louw, Q.A. et al.
November 06, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Clinical rehabilitation training.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: A qualitative investigation of the integration of telerehabilitation into rehab professional training. Looks at the readiness and interest of both professionals and institutions.
Perceptions of Immediate Written Feedback Provided to SLP Graduate Clinicians During Tele-Therapy Sessions (EN)
by D. Hinman, S. Patten & M. Namazi
June 15, 2021
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of immediate written feedback for the SLP graduate clinicians as well as for their supervisors. This study was undertaken to add to the information SLP supervisors may need to improve clinical practica experiences and learning.
Screenless Teletherapy and Silent Telesupervision: Leveraging Technology for Innovative Service Delivery and Clinician Training in Speech-Language Pathology during the COVID-19 Era (EN)
by Molly Beiting, Gabriele Nicolet
December 22, 2020
This report about teletherapy and telesupervision is written from the perspective of two experienced SLPs; however, the discussion is relevant to other therapeutic fields.
Telesupervision Benefits for Placements: Allied Health Students’ and Supervisors’ Perceptions (EN)
by S. Nagaranjan et al.
July 01, 2016
This study investigated students’ and clinical educators’ perceptions of the potential benefits and barriers of telesupervision using readily accessible information and communication technology during placements
Valuable Lessons Learnt From a Global Tele-Rehabilitation Partnership Program During COVID-19 (EN)
by Coutinho, F., Storr, C. et al.
November 01, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of stakeholder experiences while utilizing a novel global tele-rehabilitation program between several Canadian Universities and a program in rural India.