Tool Evidence |
Changes in rehabilitation students’ clinical placement and clinical competence at graduation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A pilot study (EN)
by Motoya, I., Tanabe, S. et al.
June 07, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical supervisors and researchers.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of rehabilitation student placements during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect they had on professional competencies.
Clinical Site Visits: Perspectives of Clinical Instructors and Site Coordinators of Clinical Education (EN)
by Hochman, L., Silberman, N., et. al.
June 01, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical supervisors.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of different types of communication between clinical supervisors and their physiotherapy students on placement, as well as preferences and influencing factors.
Considerations for paediatric student-led telepractice in speech-language therapy: A pilot observational study from South Africa (EN)
by Watermeyer, J., Nattrass, R., Beukes, J., et al.
September 29, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Paediatric speech-language therapy.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Investigation of the overarching considerations for student-led telepractice in paediatric speech-language therapy.
Guidelines and Recommendations for Telesupervision of Telepractice Placements in Speech-Language Pathology – An Alternate of Clinical Education in Pandemic Times (EN)
by Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (SAC)
July 20, 2020
TYPE OF TOOL: Guideline and Recommendation.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical placement supervisors.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides a list of guidelines and recommendations for clinicians when supervising students using telepractice in their placements.
Guidelines for Supervising Physiotherapy Students Engaged in Tele-Rehabilitation as part of Clinical Education (EN)
by National Association for Clinical Education in Physiotherapy (NACEP)
June 01, 2020
Most aspects of a clinical education experience remain the same regardless of whether the experience occurs in-person or using telerehabilitation, however, some aspects might differ. These guidelines aim to highlight these differences and intend to provide the Clinical Instructor and student with guidance for clinical education experiences that involve patient care using telerehabilitation.
Health Care and Social Work Students’ Experiences With a Virtual Reality Simulation Learning Activity: Qualitative Study (EN)
by Helle, N., Vikman, M.D., et al.
September 20, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Qualitative Study.
TARGET POPULATION: Occupational therapy, social education, nursing, and social work students.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: An exploration of occupational therapy, social education, nursing, and social work students’ experiences with virtual reality simulation as a learning activity.
Le déploiement des compétences en téléréadaptation en contexte de pandémie de COVID-19 : le vécu des ergothérapeutes du Québec (FR)
by Bonin, N., Racette, E., et al.
December 19, 2024
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinicians and educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an overview of experiences of occupational therapists practicing in Quebec Canada using telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Module – Remote Field Instruction (EN)
by The Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE)
In recognition of the critical role that field instructors play in the education of social work students, we have developed the following module addressing how to provide field instruction to social work students remotely.
Normes de supervision des étudiants en ergothérapie (FR)
by Ordre des ergothérapeutes de l'Ontario
October 01, 2018
The purpose of this document is to ensure that occupational therapists in Ontario are aware of the minimum requirements for the supervision of students who wish to become occupational therapists, students who wish to become assistants and students in other professions.
Online anatomy education during the Covid-19 pandemic: Opinions of medical, speech therapy, and BSc Anatomy students (EN)
by Khan, J., Baatjes, K.J., Layman-Lemphane, J.I. et al.
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Developed for clinical educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: Provides an outline of anatomy education in South Africa during COVID-19 with comparisons in efficacy to gold standard cadaver education.
Organizational readiness and rehabilitation professionals’ views on integrating telerehabilitation into service delivery and students’ clinical training: A qualitative study (EN)
by Nizeyimana, E., Joseph, C., Louw, Q.A. et al.
November 06, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research paper.
TARGET POPULATION: Clinical rehabilitation training.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: A qualitative investigation of the integration of telerehabilitation into rehab professional training. Looks at the readiness and interest of both professionals and institutions.
Supervising Learners While Providing Virtual Care (EN)
by Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM)
April 01, 2020
Although teaching while providing virtual care has many parallels to supervising in a regular clinical setting, preceptors must be familiar with the required technology along with tailored approaches to ensure patient safety.
Supervision de stage à distance à l’aide du numérique (FR)
by Matthieu Petit, Ph. D.
October 10, 2018
This document proposes a coaching collective in which collaboration involves teaching, cognitive and social interactions in an online environment that includes the trainee, supervisor and community stakeholders.
Virtual Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned (EN)
by Page, C., Humphrey, C. Christopher, K., & Simpkins, L.
September 25, 2023
TYPE OF TOOL: Research Article.
TARGET POPULATION: Allied health educators.
BASIC DESCRIPTION: An overview of the perceptions and experiences of allied health students following the completion of an established IPE activity in a virtual format.
Virtual Supervision Resource for Occupational Therapists (EN)
by University of Toronto
The Virtual Supervision Resource for Occupational Therapists contains practical strategies and tips for navigating virtual preceptorship of occupational therapy students. We hope this resource will help preceptors and their students have an enjoyable virtual fieldwork experience.